Homo Saywhaticus is a collection of short stories and it
fall under the genre of Adult Humor. Very adult…
The book sort of reads like a blog, which makes sense because
Lance is a blogger. I don’t read many comedy or humor books, but I felt myself
enjoying this one.
It can get very raunchy at times, and at other times you are
not even sure what it even going on. But, I think that is the point. It is a
book that doesn’t make you think a whole lot. It could be a break from reality
if you are having a stressful day. Just pick it up and read one or two of the
short stories, and they may make you laugh.
I found myself laughing out loud a few times, wincing a few
times, and utterly confused at other times.
It was quite the journey, but a fun one.
4/5 Stars.